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Youth Soccer Equipment Guide


  • SHIRT - Players wear their team jersey for games and their training shirt for practices. uScore provides dry fit training shirts for all class participants. For camps, t-shirts, or dry fit style shirts work best.

  • SHORTS - Players wear athletic style shorts. Elastic waist band with a draw string are standard.

  • SOCKS - Soccer players wear long socks that are pulled up to the bottom of the knee.

Shin Guards

  • Shin guards should be size appropriate and must be kept under the player's socks.

  • Some shin guards are made to slip in the socks after the sock is on the player's foot. Other styles protect the ankle, and are designed to be put on before the sock. uScore recommends the shin guards that slip into the sock.


  • Outdoor shoes have molded cleats. They are very different from football or baseball cleats as they are designed for kicking the ball comfortably and accurately.

  • Outdoor molded cleats can be worn on the indoor turf.

  • Indoor shoes are flat on the bottom and do not have a pronounced cleat. Indoor shoes are not recommended for outdoor use.

The look of a soccer player.

Sock pulled over shin guard.

youth player.png

Slip In Shin Guard

shin guard slip_edited.png
sock over shin guard.png

Indoor Shoes

indoor shoe_edited.png

Outdoor Cleats
- also acceptable for indoor soccer

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